Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Colorize a Black & White Image (Erase a Layer)

6.RST.3 - Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.

6.RST.7 - Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table)

Colorize an Image by Erasing Layers
Another interesting way of "colorizing" an image is by pasting a black and white layer on top of the color layer and erasing the areas you want in color.  Confusing?  It will make sense after we try it.
Here's a sample image to get started [of course you can use your own]:
  1. Open an image.
  2. Do a CTRL+A (to "Select All") then CTRL+C (to "Copy)
  3. Go to File> New > and Click OK
  4. Go to Edit> Paste
  5. Go to Adjustments> Black and White to convert the image to black and white.
  6. Do a CTRL+A (to "Select All") then CTRL+C (to "Copy)
  7. Click on the original image that is in Color
  8. Go to Edit> Paste in to New Layer
  9. Click the Eraser Tool on the Tool bar.
  10. Use the Eraser tool to erase areas you want in color. Go Slowly and zoom in and adjust the brush size on the more difficult areas.
Next, locate another image where you can perform the same steps.  Make sure to add your finished projects to your portfolio.

Some Examples:

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